How to download games?

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Download speed are too slow. How to increase it ?

Mostly all links are very fast. Make sure that you are using high speed internet connections. Use download managers like DAP or IDM for downloading files.

Why my downloads stcuk on 99.99% ?

I think you are using IDM . run IDM and select download >> option >> connection and set maximum connection to 1 or 2 .

I downloaded the files. what to do now?

After downloading the files. There are many conditions.

1. if you got .EXE files - Double click on it and install the game.

2. If you got .RAR files - Use winrar or 7zip(recommended) to extract files.you may get ISO file , Bin files OR other formats. Install daemon tools in your pc and you can see a red icon in your icon tray click on it and set number of drives. then right click on drive and select mount image. then browse the extracted files.

3. If you got one exe file and other are unknown - PUT all files in a common folder and double click on exe file. if the installer prompt you to download additional files then stop the installation and rename the files other than installer.

Games are 1 hour trials ? how to make them full version?

read tutorial to know more about that problem.

When i run the game is ask to insert correct cd/dvd in cd/dvd rom?

if you got this problem then download No cd/dvd crack for your game. you can download the cracks from gamecopyworld.com or gameburnworld.com

If you have any other problem then please feel free to ask. just comment here and we will try our best to solve your querry. we are taking any guarentee that we can fix your problem but we will try our best.

Cfiles links are not working what to do now?

right click on cfiles links and select “copy link location” and paste it in your browser. you can see that link is looking like this : “http://ourpcgame.zzl.org/……..” you have change the “.zzl.org” to “-zzl.org

for example :


change it to http://ourpcgame-zzl.org/cracked/MysticInn.rar

[Password : http://utical.blogspot.com ]

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